What is Computer Programming?
Computer programming is a way of given instructions to the computer performing various predefined task. In easy word computer programming is the language giving information to the computer. These information are known as code. The computer programmers write code to perform certain task by the computer.
The main goal of programming to develop something. That could be a software, a website, an app, an algorithm or even a picture. So it can be said that computer programming is a mixing of art and science. At the same time it is technical, creative and analytical.
There are several programming language. But the basic concept is almost same. The basic concepts of programming languages are:
- Keywords
- Data Types
- Variables
- Operators
- Decision Making
- Loops
- Arrays
- Functions etc.
Some popular programming languages are and their applications:
- C - Compiler design, design GUI application, design database, design medical application, design operating system, UNIX Kernal, graphics related application etc.
- C++ - Game development, advance computations, graphics, compilers etc.
- Python - AI, machine learning, web development, scientific and numeric applications, desktop GUIs etc.
- Javascript - Web design and development, desktop and mobile app development, game development etc.
- PHP - Web development, content management system, ecommerce applications etc.
- Go - Web application, design GUI application, console utilities etc.
- R - Machine learning, data science, statistical computing etc.