Who Invented the Computer?
At first computer was not for the entertainment. It only used to solve a serious number-crunching crisis. As a first inventor of computer the credit goes to British mathematician Charles Babbage. In 1834 he began to draw a plan for his invention which he called the analytical engine.
Though the name of Charles Babbage is regarded as the first inventor of computer but actually the project funded by British government is a failure. The world’s first computer was actually built more than a century later after the Charles Babbage’s trial.
In 1936 another British mathematician Alan Turing presented the idea of a universal machine which was capable to compute anything which is computable.
It is still argued about the first inventor of computer but it is generally agreed that the US and UK both succeeded in creating the electronic machines by embodying Charles Babbage’s dream. So Charles Babbage is mostly known as the first inventor of the computer.