How to Compute Percentage?

The word percentage means out of 100 or divided by 100. The number is calculated in percentage can be given 2 different formats. They are decimal and fraction. Generally to calculate a percentage is to multiply the number of item in question by the decimal form of the percent. We are now describing how to compute percentage with an example.

Firstly you have to find the value which you want to convert into percentage. Suppose you got 45 out of 60 in a mid-term exam. You want to calculate what the percent you got. So the percent you are looking for is 45 (the number you got) out of 60 (the total number).

Then place the two values into a fraction. The number you got (you want to convert into percentage) goes on the top and the whole number goes on the bottom. So the fraction is 45/60. Calculate the result. The result is 0.75 of the fraction.

At last multiply the result by 100%. So your final output is 0.75 * 100% = 75%. So you get 75% in your mid-term exam.

So in this way you can calculate a percentage easily.