Difference between Web Server and Application Server

Web Server: A web server is a software program which is developed to handle the web requests world wide. It accepts the request from users for static content such as html pages, images, videos, files etc. After that it responds to the requests over the http protocol with optional data contents. The main purpose of web server is t server the requested content to the WWW (World Wide Web) and make then accessible to the user. In a word the web server is a system that accepts the user request and delivers web pages to the user. Web serve handles only the http request. It acts a gate way between the user and the World Wide Web. Ex Apache Tomcat, Resin.

Application Server: The application server is a software frame work that exposes business logic application to the client. Business logic application is a process which generates dynamic content. It provides business logic application through various protocol including http. It server both web based application and enterprise based application. Application server provides the specialized functionality which are by an application business or service. All the functionality which are required to create and run both web based enterprise based application are provided by. Application server. Ex: J Boss, Web logic, web sphere etc.

Web Server Application Server
1. Well suited for the static content. 1. Suitable for the dynamic content.
2. Contains only the web server. 2. Contains web server as well as EJB contains.
3. Uses less resources. 3. Uses more resources.
4. Multithreading is not supported. 4. Multithreading is supported.
5. Only http protocols are used. 5. http, gui, rpc/rmi protocols are used.
6. Capacity is lower compare to application server. 6. Capacity is higher compare to web server.
7. Provides web based environment to run. 7. Provides application based environment to run.
8. Example: 8. Example:

Contributed By: Romana Rahman Ema