Difference between Phishing and Spoofing

Phishing: Phishing is a kind of computer attack where an attack where an attacker provides a spoofed email or message to collect the sensitive information such as bank detail, credit card numbers tax ID, password, etc. The mail looks like that it is come from a legitimate source. It the users click on the message it will take users to a fake page which looks same as the original website where they are requested to update their personal information. The fake website is created by the attacker and send this link as a main or a message using social networking site to the user of the website. So the user can not understand. The website is fake and he or she gives his Rhee are various types of phishing such as phone phishing spear phishing clone phishing.

Spoofing: Spoofing is also a kind of computer attack where the attacker send a take email, ip address or phone number to steal the identity of a legitimate user and acts as the mail came from a trusted source. The main purpose of this kind of attack is to the security of a system or steal the information of a user. Here the attacker targets a user and creates a fake email which is the duplicate of an actual email address. There are various types of spoofing such as ip spoofing Email spoofing, url spoofing, gps spoofing etc.

Phishing Spoofing
1. Phishing can use the spoofing techniques. 1. Spoofing does not necessarily considered to be fishing.
2. Main purpose is to get sensitive information. 2. Main purpose is to get unauthorized access to the system to achieve malicious goats.
3. Does not need to down load any malicious software. 3. Needs to download a malicious software in the computer.
4. Example: 4. Example:

Contributed By: Romana Rahman Ema