Difference between RISC and CISC
RISC: RISC is Reduced Instruction set computer and used simple commands which can be divided into numerous instructions for achieving low-level operation through a single CLK cycle. RISC instructions mainly hold fewer than 100 instructions and utilities fixed instruction format (32 bits). For accessing memory load / store are the main independent instruction.
CISC: CISC is complex instruction set computer and here several Low-level Operations can be performed through single instructions. Low-level operations include load from memory, an arithmetic operation and a memory store or are processed by multistep processes or addressing modes in single instructions.
1. RISC means Reduced Instruction Set Computer. | 1. CISC means Complex Instruction Set Computer. |
2. Providing focus on software. | 2. Providing focus on hardware. |
3. Instruction set size is small in RISC. | 3. Instruction set size is large in CISC. |
4. Fixed format (32-bits)register based instructions are used in RISC. | 4. Variable format ranges (16-64) bits are used per instruction in CISC. |
5. In RISC power consumption is lower. | 5. In CISC power consumption is higher. |
6. Multiple instruction simultaneously execution named pipelining in possible in RISC. | 6. Pipelining is not possible in CISC. |
7. RISC is basically a microprogramming unit | 7. CISC is basically a complex design of compiler. |
8. RISC takes more time for execution because instructions are complex. | 8. As the instructions are simple, CISC is faster than RISC. |
9. Decoding of instructions not easy. | 9. Decoding of instructions not easier. |
10. Consumes larger disk space. | 10. Consumes minimum disk space. |
11. Consumes lower power. | 11. Consumes high power. |
12. Applications, smart phones, PDAS. | 12. Applications, Security systems home automation. |
13. In RISC, One machine cycle is needed to execute each instruction. | 13. In CISC, 2-10 machine cycle are needed to execute each instruction. |
14. Hardwired control unit is only used in RISC. | 14. Both hardwired and micro programmed control unit are used in CISC. |
15. Only register to register arithmetic operations are performed. | 15. REG to REG or REG to MEM or MEM to MEM arithmetic operations can be performed. |
16. Instruction execution is done in single clock cycle. | 16. Instruction execution is done More than one clock cycle. |
17. Memory unit is not available and separate hardware is used to implement instructions. | 17. Memory unit is available to implement complex instruction. |
18. Here, instruction set is reduced. So it has fewer instructions in the instruction set. | 18. Variety of instructions can be used in the instruction set for complex operations. |
19. Multiple register sets can be used. | 19. Only a single register setis used. |
20. Code expansion can be considered as a problem. | 20. Code expansion is easy and is not a problem. |
21. Most commonly used RISC microprocessors are alpha, ARC, ARM, AVR, MIPS, PA-RISC, PIC, Power Architecture and SPARC. | 21. Most commonly used CISC Processors are the system/360, VAX, PDP-II, Motorola 68000 family, AMD and intel x86 CPUS. |
22. Video processing, telecommunications and image processing related high and operations are used in RISC. | 22. Security systems, home automation related low end operations are used in CISC. |
23. RISC has separate data and instruction cache design. | 23. CLSC has lenified cache for data and instruction. |
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Contributed By: Romana Rahman Ema