Difference between Analog and Digital Signal

Analog Signal: Analog signal is a continuous signal in which time varying variable is the representation of time varying quantity. The analog signal works with the physical values such as sound, light, radio waves etc. It propagate through some medium like a circuit, cable are air. It is continuous in both time and amplitude. The reality is that any naturally available signals are analog signals. Analog signal mostly used to make smooth transitions from one value to another. An analog signal can be decomposed because of noise throughout the transmission. These signal can be used in devices such as analog watch, thermometer etc.

Analog Signal Image

Digital Signal: Digital signal is noncontiguous, discrete Signal which carries information in the binary form. Each signal has different amplitude phase and frequency. In digital signal the signals are deserted in value and time. These signals give information only some specified time instant and rest of the time it become null. These signals can be used in the digital electronic devices such ak computers, mobiles etc. In digital signals the signals are the combination of series of is and o s. In present digital signals are more and more important for signal process technology. The complex signal processing cannot be occurred without digital signal. Signals can be processed better compared to analog signal using the digital signal.

Digital Signal Image

Analog Signal Digital Signal
1. It is a continuous signal. 1. It is a discrete signal.
2. Analog signals are sine waves. 2. Digital signal are square waves.
3. Data transmission can be by noise. 3. Noise immune at the time of data transmission.
4. Hard ware is not flexible. 4. Hard ware is flexible.
5. Bandwidth is low. 5. Bandwidth is high.
6. Store data in the format wave signal. 6. Store data in the form of binary bit.
7. Requires large power. 7. Requires less power.
8. Cost is low. 8. Cost is high.
9. Only used on analog devices. 9. Used in digital electronics such as computers mobiles.
10. Does not have any fixed range. 10. Have fixed ranges from.

Contributed By: Romana Rahman Ema