HTML Plugin

HTML Plugins are used to extend the additional functionality in a webpage.
Plugins can be used with the <object> or the <embed> tag. There are various reasons for using the plugins such as display map, verify bank id, scan for the viruses etc.

You can also include HTML or images in HTML document using the <object> or the <embed> tag.

<object> element

The <object> element is supported by all browsers. It specifies the embedded object in a HTML document.
Here is an example of using a plugin:


<object width="400" height="70" data="plugin.swf"> </object>

Run Example

Here is an example of using an image:


<object data="html.jpg"> </object>

Run Example

<embed> element

The <embed> element is supported by the major browsers. It specifies the embedded object in a HTML document.
Here is an example of using a plugin:


<embed width="400" height="70" src="plugin.swf">

Run Example

Here is an example of using an image:


<embed src="html.jpg">

Run Example