HTML form provides the way to collect information given by the users. It is reprresented by <form>...</form> tag. The basic structure of a form is given below:

Basic structure:

Elements of the form

<input> Element

<input> is the most important element of HTML form. An input field can hold many types of value based on the type attribute. The default type is text.


Enter your name: <input type="text">

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<select> and <option> Element

The <select> element specifies a dropdown list and the list item is displayed using <option> element.


<option value="computer"> Computer </option>
<option value="laptop"> Laptop </option>
<option value="mobile"> Mobile </option>

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Attributes of <select> Element

Here is some attributes which can be used in <select> element.

Attribute Description
name Specifies a name for the element. It identifes the value of name attribute if it sent to a server.
size For presenting a scrolling list it can be used.
multiple If this attribute is used a user can select multiple items from the list.

Attributes of <option> Element

Here is some attributes which can be used in <option> element.

Attribute Description
value It can be used if an item is selected from the list.
selected An item can be initially selected by using this attribute.
label It is the alternative way to label the options.

<textarea> Element

The <textarea> is also a text input field but it is used for multiline text.


<textarea name="text" rows="5" cols="15">
This is a learning website.

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