Python Lists

A list is a value which contains multiple values in an ordered sequence. In a string the values are characters but in a list the values can be at any type. A list starts with an opening square bracket and ends with a closing square bracket. Values inside the list are also called items. Items are separated with commas. For example:

  1. list1 = ["c", "python", "java", "javascript"]
  2. list2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]

Just the string values are typed with quote characters to mark where the string begins and ends. Like string the list indices also start with 0. The items of a list don’t have to be the same type. A list can contain a string, a float, an integer and other data types also. For example:

  1. list1 = ["python", 7, 3.75, True, None]

Accessing List Items

You can access the list items by referring to the index number.


  1. list1 = ["python", 7, 3.75, True, None]
  2. print(list1[0])
  3. print(list1[3])



Just an index can get a single value from a list but by specifyling a range you can get several values from a list.


  1. list1 = ["python", 7, 3.75, True, None]
  2. print(list1[0:3])
  3. print(list1[1:4])


['python', 7, 3.75]
[7, 3.75, True]

You can also ignore one or both of the indices on either side of the colon. Ignore the first side is just same as using 0 and ignore the right side will give the value to the end of the list.


  1. list1 = ["python", 7, 3.75, True, None]
  2. print(list1[:3])
  3. print(list1[1:])


['python', 7, 3.75]
[7, 3.75, True, None]

Changing Values in a List

You can change a specific item use an index of a list.


  1. list1 = ["python", 7, 3.75, True, None]
  2. list1[0] = "programming"
  3. print(list1)


['programming', 7, 3.75, True, None]

List Concatenation

There are several way in python to concatenate multiple lists. The easiest way is to using the + operator. It combines two list into a new list.


  1. list1 = ["c", "python", "java"]
  2. list2 = [1, 2, 3]
  3. list3 = list1 + list2
  4. print(list3)


['c', 'python', 'java', 1, 2, 3]

You can also replicate a list using * operator with a list and an integer value.


  1. list1 = ["c", "python", "java"]
  2. list2 = list1 * 3
  3. print(list2)


['c', 'python', 'java', 'c', 'python', 'java', 'c', 'python', 'java']

Removing List Items

You can remove a list item using the del statement.


  1. list1 = ["c", "python", "java"]
  2. del list1[2]
  3. print(list1)


['c', 'python']

You can also remove the list completely using the del statement.


  1. list1 = ["c", "python", "java"]
  2. del list1
  3. print(list1)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\py\", line 3, in <module>
NameError: name 'list1' is not defined

Note: Since the total tuple is deleted an error is raised in the output.

Length of a List

You can define the length of a list using the len() method.


  1. list1 = ["c", "python", "java"]
  2. print(len(list1))



List Methods

There are a set of built-in methods in python which you can use on lists.

Method Description
append() Inserts new values at the end of a list
count() Returns the number of items with the specified value
clear() Deletes all items from the list
copy() Returns a copy of the list
extend() Adds the items of a list with the current list
index() Returns the position at the first occurrence with the specified value
insert() Inserts a value at any position in the list
pop() Removes a value at any position in the list
remove() Removes the specified value from the list
reverse() Revereses the order of a list
sort() Sorts the items of a list